![Dick Dastardly has never, ever skipped [insert shoulder muscle name here] day.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/58a66068bf629a5d3edaa928/1591716760191-Q5XDG32RZJPZRVBF8GXZ/17.png)
33:20-34:32 - Evan admits in retrospect that it might not actually be Shrek that changed the landscape of film, and that the strong shift in casting for animated children’s movies actually originated with Aladdin. His correction is accurate, and this excellent video essay by Lindsay Ellis explains it in great detail:
43:22 - Luke and Evan have referenced a few times over the years that Mark Wahlberg did an anti-Asian hate crime in his youth. While that remains accurate, it turns out that the actor only thought he beat Vietnamese immigrant Thanh Lam savagely enough to blind him, when the man had in fact already lost sight in that eye due to serving alongside US troops in the Vietnam War.
"Scoob!" Review Part 1:
"They Had Us in the First Half..."
6/9/2020 - What a golden, gilded age we live in, where with a few simple clicks we can gain access to the latest chapter in Scooby-Doo canon, lovingly rendered in the crispest of computer generated imagery! It’s a brave new world, and your fave two churls are here to share their thoughts (whether you want them to or not!).
A problem with Evan’s audio led to his recording being replete with ups and downs in an appropriate mirroring of what may or may not be one day deemed an animated “classic.” When things work out that way it’s easy to say that it’s not a (robot-baby-with-the-ability-to-transform-into-an-evil) bug, it’s a feature (film).
10:12 - Thanks to the copyright provision of “fair use”, Luke’s pitch-perfect rendition of “Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely” by the Backstreet Boys can be used without paying a fee due to it being well below the 30 second cutoff.
13:48 - Ketchup leather is also an actual real-life food product!
23:44 - Fun fact: while Luke is more familiar with the term “fan service” ‘as it applies to anime, it actually originated in the anime and manga communities!
28:26 - Therapist: “Post-Plastic-Surgery Simon Cowell isn’t real. He can’t hurt you.”
Post-Plastic Surgery Simon Cowell:
53:51 - Alexander the Great really did own a dog named Peritas! Although neither Luke nor Evan are responsible, the famous canine’s Wikipedia page has since has a “Popular Media” section added, which lists the only his mention in Scoob!
58:33 - For those of you who want to hear the “club beats” that accompany Dick Dastardly’s screentime, below is an unfortunately titled track for your listening pleasure: