- 4:16 - Although Evan has since remembered this particular teacher's name, he was never going to disclose it here on this site.
- 21:16-18 - It's pronounced "mall", like a shopping mall.
- 31:07-41 - Given that Coolsville is said to be located in Ohio, and that Red Herring is likely somewhere in East Africa, that marks a time difference of seven hours, which does make the events of this episode fairly plausible.
- 58:00 - The past tense of "bear with me" is "bore with me", meaning that Luke got it right the first time.
EPISODE 52 - "The Babysitter From Beyond"
6/25/2018 - Given that most of this episode revolves around a three-headed zombie and an escaped convict, there's precious little time devoted to the babysitter, and thus, where she's from specifically. In that way the creators of this installment place it in line with particular purveyors of linens, towels, and magical remote controls.
This week Evan and Luke go on far too many tangents, but still manage to keep things at just over an hour. Does this mean that they're depriving their listeners of precious Scooby-Doo content? Are the rabbit trails they're following ultimately more rewarding than the aforementioned on-topic discussions? Listen and find out!
- 4:21 - Luke and Evan had a high school science teacher who used to quote from the movie Brazil, specifically Mrs. Terrain saying that "My complication had a little complication."
- 14:04 - Genius reveals that the line actually references Busta Rhyme's verse in A Tribe Called Quest's "Scenario". Also, if you really want to hear it you can do so below.
- 22:51 - Reddit isn't often talked about very highly, but the site and its users took a particular blow back in 2013 when they wrongly accused someone of being responsible for the bombing at the Boston Marathon. It's incredible that the community somehow managed to one-up "the narwhal bacons at midnight".
- 30:29-36 - As Evan surmised, "bwana" is Swahili for "master", and is used to mean such in various parts of East Africa.
- 34:57 - In a Vulture article Matt Zoller Seitz, the editor-in-chief of RogerEbert.com , surmised that for films a spoiler embargo might be as long as six months. In a follow-up poll, however, 22% of respondents answered that they were "Okay to discuss immediately".
- 46:39 - "Ya gotta see the baby!" is from Season 5, Episode 12 of Seinfeld. If you don't watch the clip now "you're never gonna see it."