- 42:44 - A wushu gold medalist over on Quora clarifies what Evan said about vocalization being a technical aspect of jeet kune do (which is to say that it isn't really). That said, there is what's known as "kiai", a Japanese term for a short shout uttered when performing an attack.
- 48:36-48:45 - Contrary to Evan's assertion that "there are literally no unnamed characters in this episode" there is actually a wealthy couple that Scooby and Shaggy speed past in the country club parking lot.
EPISODE 43 - "High Society Scooby"
Season 1, Episode 3
4/9/2018 - Only in an episode of Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get a Clue! would you not think twice about a lion, a ninja. and a rousing game of golf all making an appearance. In fact, you wouldn't even be shaken if all three were directly related somehow.
What Luke and Evan really neglect to do this week is focus at all on how Scooby and Shaggy keep almost getting murdered by Phibes and his legion of incompetents. This is a regular occurrence, them almost being literally killed in some way. Say what you will about ghouls and ghosts, but for the most part their villainous intent was relegated to stuff like counterfeiting, and maybe light manslaughter at the absolute worst.
- 0:30-37 - "Burquoise" is obviously a mix between the colours burgundy and turquoise.
- 14:45 - Hugo Weaving's Red Skull look was actually a combination of sculpted prosthetics, makeup, and just a touch of CGI!
- 27:20 - Mark Wahlberg is awful and a racist and if you're not sure why feel free to head over to the "Arrests and conviction" section of his Wikipedia page.
- 35:07-35:45 - To see how Thai people sell ice cream on the go, there's a great YouTube video of one for you. Also note that Luke was so, so close to nailing that theme.
- 39:49 - You obviously want to see a trailer for the 2018 Canadian action thriller film starring Jason Momoa. Fun fact: the film is named after the protagonist, one Joe Braven!
- 58:28-58:39 - Wondering how you can slam a Tim Tam of your own? Well, wikiHow certainly has you covered. Warning: one of the accompanying illustrations may be a source of nightmare fuel.