- 3:02 - Evan makes the perhaps understandable mistake of confusing the Pink Panther and Snagglepuss, with the latter being the actual star of an eight-page story that reimagines him as "a gay playwright from the south".
- 34:39 - It's actually Michaelangelo who tries to make pizza in ancient Japan. That said, without an actual copy of the novelization to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III there's no way to confirm the actual ingredients used, since the movie itself doesn't reveal them.
- 44:58 - It's not Velma who's looking over her shoulder, it's Daphne. Nice going, Evan!
- 1:09:20 - Luke's criticism of some podcasts sounding like "it doesn't feel like the characters like each other" is definitely not a jab at any of our competitors, no sir.
EPISODE 15 - "Waiting for the End of the World / When Shaggy Met Scooby!"
Scooby Apocalypse - Issue #1
7/24/2017 - "Comics will break your heart."
Jack Kirby said that, and he was a guy who knew a thing or two about the medium. That said, "The King" himself was never around to check out Scooby Apocalypse and maybe this particular title would've changed his mind! We'll never know.
This week Evan and Luke take a long hard look at twenty-something pages of a comic book instead of twenty-something minutes of a cartoon. If you're not interested in sequential imagery they discuss so much more than that- Listen in to get the scoop on what older men think young people look like, what kind of pizza they would serve at "Blazing Man", and who the most violent member of Mystery Inc. is. (The answer will surprise you!)
8:27 - The description of Shaggy's design including "brown cords or something" instantly reminded Evan of his favourite "Jake & Amir" episode.
- 17:57 - Click here to gaze upon the terrifying Scooby Apocalypse #1 variant drawn by Dan Panosian, if you dare!
- 18:55 - Prez, by Mark Russell and Ben Caldwell, is phenomenal and definitely well-worth a read, especially given the current political climate. Unfortunately it was unjustly cut short at six issues, with a final story appearing in a Catwoman one-shot.
- 24:44 - On a related note, most of what we know about Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! is from the Twitter account for Scoobypedia and their frustrated efforts to watch and chronicle the show.
- 56:52 - In case you weren't familiar with it, here's the riddle Luke was referencing.
- 1:18:22 - Rick & Morty fans should immediately recognize the name "Krombopulous Michael". For everyone else, just watch this clip: